The Durable Power of Attorney, like its name, is more durable to situations, such as you becoming incapacitated. These are often some of the most sought-after documents because of their flexibility. Many loved ones provide family members with this power to enable them to handle their affairs in unfortunate instances, including being comatose from accidents, developing health issues, etc.
A Medical Power of Attorney allows you to legally appoint another person you trust to make healthcare decisions for you if you become incapacitated. Your agent’s authority will continue until his or her power is revoked or you regain competency. The Medical Power of Attorney is typically included in your estate plan.
A living will in the state of Texas is a legal document signed by you that relieves your family members and loved ones of needing to make a choice with regard to life-sustaining treatment. The fact that you made the choice while you could, after much time and thought, may be relieving to your loved ones because they will not have that choice looming over them before and after your passing.
In recent years there have been some amendments made to health care law. For a complete estate plan, there is now an additional document known as a HIPAA Authorization, which may make a significant difference to the overall quality of health care that you receive. HIPAA is the acronym for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
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